Submit Photos related to weddings

Thank you for considering T&L for your submission.

The best way to submit is by completing the submission form and by sharing a link to an online photo gallery such as Pixieset, Cloudspot, or Pass.

Please ensure that the photos can be viewed and are downloadable.  Please do not send an invitation to the gallery, instead add the shareable link to this form.  

Before completing the form, please confirm with the couple that they accept to be featured. 

Please don’t send a submission through social media as is it easy to miss Direct Messages and comments. 

Please do not send a link to a blog.

Submission Guidelines

We love to share with our audience and readers high quality, elegant and stylish photos in a wide variety of photography styles, wedding details, event styling, and great stories.

This submission is for any vendor who may have beautiful photos that may not be the number of images required for a real wedding or styled shoot feature.

The photos you share will be used for wedding guides, blog posts, and subscription newsletters. The photos will be credited to you and will contain your company name linked to your Instagram page.

On our social media, the shared photos will include your social media link related to that platform.


Once your submission has been featured, we kindly ask that you and all the vendors involved wait 30 days after the publish date before submitting it to another publication. 

Please note that once your submission has been published, we cannot take it down from the website under any circumstances.

Response Time

Whether the submission is accepted or not, we respond to every submission within 2 weeks. If you do not get a response from us in 2 weeks, please feel free to reach out to us and give use a sweet nudge. 

We are online M-F during regular business hours CST.

Please do not be frustrated if your submission is not accepted. We value and appreciate you and can only accept a limited amount of submissions that align with our readers.

Publication Time

Once we have everything needed, we then send you a confirmation email and we will email you whenever we use any of your photos in a publication. 

Last update: January 1, 2024